April 2024 | Insights on Students Mental Health, Andalusian Wonders, and Sustainability Education

Alandis students from Liberty University are about to enjoy an authentic flamenco show in the heart of Seville, Spain.

Alandis students immerse in Havana’s vibrant culture – Education comes to life. Excellence in Educator Development For the passionate educators: Wondering how to Integrate Service Learning into Internationalization? Higher Education just shared on LinkedIn an intriguing article on integrating service learning into internationalization thanks to the power of AI and our fantastic LinkedIn community!  Sharpen […]

January 2024 | Ignite Spanish Expertise and Pioneer Environmental Learning

Alandis students immerse in Havana's vibrant culture – Education comes to life.

Alandis students immerse in Havana’s vibrant culture – Education comes to life. Excellence in Educator Development For the passionate educators: Sharpen your teaching skills under the Spanish sun with Spanish Studies Abroad at the Universidad de Alicante’s engaging Summer Professional Development Program, complete with classes, cultural activities, and a memorable wine-tasting finale. Enhance your students’ Spanish mastery using The […]

2023/09 | Cultivating a Rich Understanding of Spanish Culture and Supporting LGTB+ Students

Estudiantes de Alandis en La Habana, Cuba

Alandis Students in Havana, Cuba by Alandistravel.com We’ve rounded up the standout professional development news, events, and opportunities in study abroad and study trips from July through September. From resources that enrich your teaching and empower your students to practical advice on managing the potential risks of a study abroad experience, we’ve got you covered. […]

2023/07 | Harness the Power of Music & Film in your Language Classroom and Tools to Foster a Greener Future

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Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash From May and June, we’ve rounded up the best professional development news, events, and opportunities for study abroad and study trips. From the importance of sustainability in education to opportunities to enrich your teaching experience and empower your students. Linkedin Professional Development Opportunities for High School & University Teachers, […]

2023/05 | Dé rienda suelta a la creatividad de sus alumnos con estas iniciativas ecológicas y consejos de aprendizaje potenciado por la tecnología

Newsletter Photo May 2023

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash From April, we’ve rounded up the best professional development news, events, and opportunities in study abroad and study trips. From Spanish Classroom Resources, Art Exhibitions to Green Initiatives and Sustainable Education with Technology-Enhanced Learning. Linkedin Professional Development Opportunities for High School & University Teachers, and Study Abroad Departments If you’re […]

Guía paso a paso para redactar una carta a los padres sobre el viaje al extranjero de su centro escolar

Alandis Students in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Once you’ve haya planificado perfectamente su viaje y el centro escolar lo apruebe, es el momento de promocionarlo entre sus alumnos y padres. Una buena promoción es clave for turning all the planning and preparation you’ve done into a reality.

One of the most common ways to spread the word about your trip is by writing a school trip letter to parents and guardians. So, if you need guidelines to help write a letter to parents about a school trip abroad, we’ve compiled a step-by-step guide for you!

2023/04 | Catálogo de voces hispanas, normas para viajes al extranjero de institutos y visados de estudiantes para España.


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash From March, we’ve rounded up the best professional development news, events, and opportunities in study abroad and study trips, from professional development programs for Spanish teachers and the importance of environmental education to high school trip abroad rules. Linkedin Professional Development Opportunities for High School & University Teachers, and […]

Normas para los viajes al extranjero de los estudiantes de secundaria: Para mantener a los estudiantes seguros y a los padres informados

High school group study trip abroad with Alandis Travel

Los viajes de estudios al extranjero son una oportunidad increíble para que los estudiantes amplíen sus horizontes y adquieran valiosas experiencias en otras culturas. Sin embargo, los centros escolares y los padres deben establecer normas y directrices claras sobre los viajes escolares para garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de los alumnos durante los mismos.

Teniendo esto en cuenta, hemos recopilado una lista de normas y directrices para los viajes al extranjero de los institutos, con el fin de que tu viaje sea todo un éxito.

Discover the Best Study Abroad Trips for High School Students in 2024

Alandis Travel Students in Alcazar Royal Palace, Seville, Spain.

Estudiar en el extranjero es una oportunidad fantástica para adquirir nuevas experiencias, conocer culturas diferentes y ampliar tus perspectivas. Para los estudiantes de secundaria, un programa de estudios en el extranjero puede ser especialmente beneficioso, ya que puede ayudarles a desarrollar habilidades como la independencia, la adaptabilidad y el dominio de idiomas, que son valiosas para su futuro académico y profesional. 

Puede que estés leyendo este artículo porque:

👉 You’re a high school teacher planning a school trip abroad for your students.

👉 You’re a high school student (or Mom or Dad!) looking to spend your summer studying abroad.

Don’t worry; we’ve got options for both of you. This article explores the best study-abroad trips for high school students. We highly value destinations that offer unique cultural experiences, high-quality language immersion programs, and outdoor adventures.

We’ll also introduce you to some of our favorite programs and study abroad companies specializing in study abroad trips and programs for high school students.

2023/03 - Oportunidades de DP para Profesores de Español del Siglo XXI en Alicante, España para el Verano 2023 y Mejores Viajes de Estudio para Estudiantes

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Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash We’ve rounded up the best professional development news, events, and opportunities in study abroad and study trips from February. From workshops for developing methodologies to teach how to take climate action for a sustainable planet to things to do while visiting Cuba and Puerto Rico and a great resource […]